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One UPH Library

One UPH Library


Cite Your Sources

Avoid plagiarism and cite your sources correctly in MLA, APA, and Chicago styles.

Chicago/ Turabian Handbooks

Online Citation Tools for Chicago Manual of Style

Use these sites to help you format your citations correctly:

Chicago Style Tutorials

Cite/ Export

The Cite/Export button is your friend.  Most online dadtabases will generate a citation for the item that you are viewing in one of many different citations formats, including APA, MLA, and Chicago/ Turabian. You can then copy and paste the citation directly into your list of Works Cited.

This box shows a Turabian citation for the article "Of Mice and Mountain Lions" from the box above.

A citation generated by WorldCat

Important note: Please double check the citations with the format preferred by your professor. The citation generator is good, but not always perfect.