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One UPH Library

One UPH Library


News & Promotion: 2015

Here you can find out the events in the library

Forum Group Discussion

Date: Thursday, 5th November 2015

Venue: UPH Graduate Campus

Description: The Johannes Oentoro Library held a Forum Group Discussion with "Kompetensi Literasi Informasi Pustakawan Universitas Swasta di Lingkungan Kopertis Wilayah III" as its theme. Twenty-six private universities participated in this event. Each university representatives were given a survey to obtain a valid and reliable research result to assess the competency of information literacy,  mainly those under Kopertis III region. Moreover, the assessment itself is based on 2015 librarianship competency-based released by PNRI (Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia/ National Library of Indonesia).

The survey then followed by Panel Presentation brought by Diao Ai Lien, Ph.D. as Koordinator Jaringan Perpustakaan APTIK & Head of Universitas Atma Jaya Library and Sheryl S. Taylor, M.L.S. as the Library Coordinator at Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan. Diao Ai Lien, Ph.D. talked of the importance to examine information literacy for higher education through research-based application. Furthermore, Sheryl S. Taylor, M.L.S. highlighted the importance of information literacy and its influence over society in obtaining information and learning.

Private universities such as Universitas Agung Podomoro, Universitas Bakrie, Universitas Darma Persada, Universitas Esa Unggul, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Universitas Matana, Universitas Prof Dr. Moestopo, Universitas Suryadarma, Universitas Tarumanegara and Universitas Yarsi then further discuss the content of Panel Presentation.

The New Medicine Library

Date: August 2015

Venue: UPH Medicine Building - 1st Floor 

Description: The Medicine Faculty library moved to it's new location on the UPH Medicine Building 1st Floor. The inauguration takes place after the moving process were completed. Now, the students and faculty of medicine and nursing can enjoy a new, spacious library with a lot of room to read and holding discussion.

Semiloka Perpustakaan Gereja

Date              : 20th June 2015

Venue           : The Johannes Oentoro Library

Description  : The Johannes Oentoro Library team held a seminar and workshop for church which train them to build a library based on web automation. This seminar and workshop was attended by GKI Gading Serpong, GKI Serang, GKI Citra Raya, GKI Kota Wisata, GKI Samanhudi, GKI Serpong, PPA.


Date            : 26th May - 3rd June 2015

Venue         : The Johannes Oentoro Library

Description : LIBANEV 2015 brought you exciting events with the theme "Welcome to the Library" collaborated with UPH BEM.

The events that are held was as followed:

1. Library Campaign (26 - 27 May)

The library campaign was an event to invite people to visit the Johannes Oentoro Library through stickers, property and other medias.

2. Path of Knowledge (26 May - 3 June)

A lucky draw events for library users who borrowed books.

3. Creative Writing (29 May)

The purpose of this event was to develop the creativity of participants in writings about social and culture problems in the era of globalization. This year creative writing allowed you to pick a topic from the list below:

- Library and culture

- Future library

- Library and education

- Library and reading (love to read)

- Library as a community forum for students

- Library and Internet

- Library and knowledge management

- Library and social media

The creative writings are in the form of fiction which can contain response, hope, or symbolization of a message or certain condition based on the topic above.

The creative writings winner for LIBANEV this year are as followed:


1. JOAN Christie Wjiaya (11320120002 - Biotechnology)

2. GALUH Wirasdikari S. (00000010645 - TC)

3. RONDHA (40120129001 - TC)

4. JUDIKA Ekaristi Putra Imanuel (40720110008 - TC)

5. DOROTHY Rimba (40820120007 - TC)



1. M. ARTHUR Argantara (000003280 - Law)

2. BRYNA Budiman (000003280 - TC)

3. RINA Inastutik (40420120039 - TC)

4. KEZIA Angelia (000004541 - TC)

5. KEZIA Worter (40420110016 - TC)

6. MONIA Tan (0000003213 - Law)

7. FELICIA Christiani (40420120012 - TC)

8. NANSYE Debora Litaay (0000010565 - TC)

9. FERIYUS Gulo (40120120014 - TC)

10. RINNA Octavia Mewoh (0000007827 - FON)

11. INGGRID Claudine (000007961 - FON)

12. YULIANA H. Hutauruk (40820120027 - TC)

13. ANGELA Wiselyn (000008489 - Communication)

14. VIRGINIA Margaretha (1305004512 - International Relation)

15. FENDRA Punu (40720110004 - TC)