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One UPH Library


Final Paper Self-Upload

The introduction, documents and guides about self upload system for students final paper.


Based on the government regulation Surat Edaran Kemenristek Dikti Nomor B/323/B.B1/SE/2019 tentang Publikasi Karya Ilmiah Program Sarjana, Program Magister, 
dan Program Doktor, students must submit (self upload) their Final Papers (Tugas Akhir) to Universitas Pelita Harapan Repository as a judicial requirement 
starting  from the Academic Year of 2019/2020.

1. The Final Papers being uploaded must be the final version that has been completely signed by the examiners, supervisors, Dean, and Head of Study Program.
2. After the submission, students have to fill in the form at:
3. If there is a revision, students will receive a notification via UPH student email.
4. The verification statement will be sent via email to UPH students and shall be directly submitted to the study program.
5. The Library does not determine a certain period or deadline for students to do self-submission of Final Papers or request the verification form. Get the information from your respective study program. 
6. Universitas Pelita Harapan Repository is open access and integrated with the Repository of Kemenristek Dikti (The Ministry of Research and Technology) called Rama



Tutorial Class

If you want a face to face guidance to write Final Paper or to self-submit your Final Paper, library provide tutorial classes to help in completing FInal Paper to the submission to the repository. You can see the classes here.