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One UPH Library

One UPH Library


Databases at UPH

Find databases, full-text articles, journal collections, and online newspapers in an A-Z list. Check the Databases by Discipline for recommendations for specific majors.

Databases for Accounting

Search these databases for scholarly resources in the field of accounting:

Searching Techniques

Improve your library searching skills by watching these videos.

Google vs. Library Databases

What are library databases?

How do I search in a database?

Access to Library eResources

The Library subscribes to EZ Proxy which is software that authenticates user access to the subscription databases and journals held by the Johannes Oentoro Library for when you are not connecting from a campus computer or network. Currently enrolled UPH students, faculty, and staff are able to access resources using EZ Proxy.

When beginning your research it is best to start from one of the library databases. This will trigger the EZproxy login screen when you try to access an UPH only subscription resource.  WHEN ASKED, simply enter your

  • UPH User ID which is your NIM/NIK from your UPH smart card
    example:  20100316 OR 0000014182   (the preceding zeros are required)
  • Password which is your registered last name
    example:  Wijaya OR S.

    If you need help, please contact the library at (021) 5460901 ext. 1382.