Mind-leap Technique
Mind-leap technique is a modified form of the KWL table which is an organizer to help in learning. This technique can also be used as a research questions formulation tool. See example of mind-leap technique on "Litter" topic here.
Three Step Mind-leap
Follow the process below to create a good research question:
- First, Make a table and write down what you know about the topic you will be researching. You can use the PDF file below to help you create the table.
- Next, Write down what you want to know about the topic that you will examine, starting from the Details, Process and Causes - Effect in the table.
- Details: are questions that ask for something specific in the topic such as events that occurred, data obtained, or other things that support our research. These questions usually begin with the words "what", "when" and "where".
- Process: is a question that asks how something can happen. These questions usually begin with the words "how" and "why".
- Causes-effect: is a question that asks the relationship between one variable/topic related to other variables/topics. An example of this question is what is the result of "variable A" if "variable B"; or. Is it true that "variable A" causes "variable B" etc.
- Use the questions created as a research question.
Document for mind-leap technique