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One UPH Library

One UPH Library



Learn how to use Mendeley for managing and sharing research papers, discovering research data and collaborating online

Mendeley Web

Mendeley Web is an online component for managing, collaborating and discovering new research.  Users create a free account or profile upon downloading the software which allows them to access their Mendeley Desktop Library from where they have access to the internet.  Syncing in Mendeley Desktop allows anyone with a Mendeley account to download their documents and manage collections online.

When you log in, you will be directed to your dashboard:

1.  Newsfeed:  allows users to keep current with contacts on Mendeley and see what others in the community are publishing.

2.  Papers: Seach Mendeley's crowd-sourced research catalog with disciplines ranging from the Arts to Space Science.

3.  Groups: Search for groups, share papers and collaborate with others publicly or privately.

4.  People: Search to connect with other people that you know or other resseachers in your field.  Here, you can follow researchers or people that you find, and you can view who in the Mendeley network is following you.